It's been an age since I put together a blog post. I've been pretty heavily involved with getting the PSNZ Workshop series up and running this year, and I think it's been pretty successful - It's been great seeing so many people learning and growing their photographic skills and socialising in such a fantastic learning environment. I was lucky enough (Ha! I organised it... guess that's not really luck) to have the time to head up to the Astro workshop we ran in Taranaki, so took the opportunity to spend a few days exploring the central plateau. Here's a few of the images I made along the way.
It's been a long time since I was over in Taranaki... feels like a lifetime since working on the Omata tank farm back in.. ohh... too long ago. So I had made sure I had time over in Taranaki to track down all the hidden gems I'd not managed to explore in the past; Dawson's falls, The Pouakai tarns, The Three Sisters and of course Cape Egmont lighthouse. Unfortunately the heavens opened and didn't shut again until just before the workshop, so the spots around the mountain will have to wait until next time, but there was still some magic light at the Sisters, and even flat light can create some beautiful options, when you're in the right frame of mind to get creative!
It was great to meet Leith Robertson from the Taranaki Astronomical Society (Well worth a visit if you've a free evening, check out their page here) and between us and the 15 PSNZ participants we had a pretty fantastic weekend exploring his local haunts in search of clear dark skies, including solving the world's problems over a 3am coffee and last glass of vino by the beach...
